Insurance Innovators Summit 2018

Can’t wait to delve into the world of hashtagInsurTech today and tomorrow ! If you are attending the the Insurance Innovators Summit 2018 in London, come over for a chat hashtag

Great first day at the Insurance Innovators Summit in London. Key points for me: Irene Van Den Brink (InShared in the Netherlands) talking about a fully digital, scaleable platform (allowing them to cut their ER in half), Dr Nina Fichtl (Allianz X) using new technology to focus on the customer not the process, Chris Kaye (Sherpa) illustrating the power of a composite allowing someone to sign up online for most of their insurance needs in just 4.5 mins, Bought by Many sending out Woofins (Muffins for dogs) to create a “fan for life”, Aviva apparently now has a Chief Drone Officer and much more. All nicely topped off by an amazing light show ! Great job by the Market Force team. Bring on day 2 🙂